i think i have finally recovered from the barn sale over the weekend.
it is
a lot of work getting ready for it, but it is always
worth it.
this is what my booth looked like.
you can't miss it, it's pretty colorful....i just need to figure out how to get my tent canvas turquoise or red or something fun like that. can you spray paint those things?? hmm, maybe i could dye it. :)
the countdown chalkboards were pretty popular.
i love the "my friends" saying...it is so true!
i had such a good time meeting new people, seeing familiar faces, and friends i haven't seen in years!
initial estimates are that there were between 1100 and 1200 people that came out for the sale!
it was definitely a busy day!
...and once again, i couldn't have done it without my awesome neighbor
amy j. she has helped me from the beginning and i really appreciate her help!!! THANKS AMY!!
i was very pleased with the turnout and how much i sold...which made getting up at 5 am totally worth it.
i was surprised at how many people came from far away!
everyone i talked to loved it, they said it just felt so warm and homey, and they thought it was neat how it was just smack dab in the middle of the country.
country folk are just so dang friendly!
everywhere you looked, there were moms,dads, kids, grandparents, and even a couple sweet hounds.
everyone was smiling and just out enjoying the beautiful weather that God provided.
2 men and a baby. :)
those mennonite girls baked up some wonderful, yummy food.

this little guy wanted that car so bad...he kept saying "me get vroom, vroom?" so cute!
take a look around at some of the other booths...
(i wish i had gotten pictures of every booth, but i got so busy that i didn't get them all.)
my friend crys with her booth.
she had the most amazing antiques and the cutest hand painted eggs.
the super hero cape booth is always popular with the littles.
nicole came to shop at the spring barn sale and we talked her into having a booth at the fall one!
loved her necklaces!
i love plane jane's booth...it's very colorful like mine.
we decided next sale, we need to be next to each other because we were shopping back and forth at each others booth all day. :)
i always find something at this booth.
i saw lots of shoppers with those wire baskets.
at this booth, you picked out what buttons you wanted to have made into a ring.
i loved that argyle wreath! i wish i would of bought it for my kitchen door.
miss beki's booth.
thank you josh and beki, for all your HARD work to make this sale possible!
i don't know where you get all that energy!
if you figure out a way to bottle it and sell it, let me know!!
...fyi, i have a few things left over if anyone is interested.
you can leave me a comment or email me to see if i have something your wanting.
if you comment, just make sure you leave a email so i can get back to you.
oh, and CONGRATULATIONS to amy wade & leeah baker for winning our booth giveaways.
and just so you readers don't feel left out, i will be having a giveaway for you this week!
stay tuned.