Saturday, August 14, 2010

cali with my bestie.

yes, finally....i am back.
i am obviously not a good summer time blogger.
too many distractions and trips i guess.
i am going to try and do better....hopefully.

so lets go to my favorite state...the one i should of been born in.
the one where i have a awesome house sitting gig thanks to laura.
whenever she goes away she lets us come stay at her house.
 this time i was there for 10 days and my bestie tonya, flew out from maine to stay with me.
while i'm there, i get to take care of these 3 characters.

and panda
simon is such a poser...he loves the camera.
as soon as i get it out he smiles and looks right at me...unlike my camera snob miley.
tonya and i had a blast...we spent lots of time relaxing at the beach.
laguna, crystal cove, dana point...
one of my favorite beaches is in laguna beach near the montage resort and spa.
this was the first time i had ever been to crystal cove was just as pretty.
this is the tunnel you walked through to get to the beach.
there were happy things painted all over it.
the beach was packed that day.
and just like simon, this little bird hopped right up on the rock and shot me a pose when i pulled my camera out.
we even saw some dolphins swimming around by the beach.
such stunning views wherever you went.
to be continued....


  1. So how do the people out in the water know that they are dolphins and not sharks? I'm thinking I would see the fin sticking up and freak out a little bit.

  2. what good memories you really got some good photos of the beach.(:

  3. I'm trying hard to contain my jealousy...


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