Friday, March 11, 2011

i feel like hal.

those weather guys say 70 today.
for their sake they better be right.
i am at my wits end with old man winter.


  1. Oh....I'm so with you on this one.
    I have had 5 children home from school this entire week with strep ontop of the flu and I'm near my wits end. I want some warm, sunshiny weather. I'm not talking about the kind that looks warm and then laughs at you when you step outside and it's 30 degrees. I'm talking about the kind you can put on a pair of shorts and a tee shirt in. I'd go for the cook out too.

  2. I'm with you on this one! I NEED some warm weather and sunshine. I want to be able to drive around with the windows down and the radio blaring. I want my windows open at home so the house can air out. I want to run around in flip flops and feel the breeze in my hair and the sun warming my legs. Let's go spring!!!

  3. Me too! We just had another inch or so of snow last night and next week is supposed to be 60. I am not holding my breath that it will last and that spring is really here, but I'm hoping.


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