Monday, February 8, 2010

i {heart} word art.

i made a little something to spruce up my wall space for
valentines day.
...and it all started with inspiration from here.
and one of these desk writing thingies.
i'm sure they have a name.
i just don't know what it is...hence, writing thingy.
i found it at the thrift store for 50 cents.
i first started by tearing off the hideous fabric sides.
then i made up with my printer and printed all sorts of words that
described all things valentines day.
i used multiple sizes and fonts.
i just played around with fonts til i found ones i liked.
i then cut the words out in strips.
glue each word down with mod podge and a foam brush.
if your out, go steal your neighbors brand new jar.
i started with the biggest words first and then started placing them
randomly til i liked it.
i used my pampered chef scraper to smooth out any air bubbles.
  i left enough of the white paper on the words that were up against 
the edges and wrapped the extra around to make them look clean.
i just kept adding words until the whole thing was covered.
when i had the entire board covered.  i gave it a smooth coat of mod podge on top to seal it all.
then just let it dry.
i will say it is a little time consuming...and messy.
but totally worth it i think.
you could totally customize it for any theme too.
i think i may cover the back side of this one with a different theme.
maybe one i could have up all year long.
  i think i will give my printer a rest for a while and start that one next month.


  1. You are amazing. How do you just come up with something like this? Some people seem to be blessed with craftiness. I'm not one of those individuals. I love the idea and will probably fail at it, but I'm going to give it a try. I'll let you know how it turns out. Good idea, thanks for sharing it.

  2. thanks susan. i came across something similar through another blog, but wanted to amp it up a bit. have fun, and definitely let me know how it comes out!

  3. On your first coat of mod-podge, did you do the front, back or both sides of the strips?


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