Monday, February 1, 2010

the dog who blogs: my friend talon.

miley mae douglass

i am 1/2 italian greyhound &
1/2 wiener dog, so i am fast.
i have the bestest family
and the bestest friends.
follow my blog (most) every
monday and see the world
through my big brown eyes.

this is talon.
he is one tough look'in pooch with a gentle soul.
he got to stay here all weekend.
he is as tall as my doodle friends, just not so fluffy.
he was a little shy to start.
but i broke the ice by springing into play mode.
oh shucks, what did i get myself into?  "please don't eat me"
all was good, and we were off to the races.
i'm not sure he ever figured out how to navigate our hardwood floors.
it would take him a while to turn a corner...his legs were moving, but always in the same place.

he has some wicked counter top skills though....i could see where this could come in very handy.
he didn't even have to use the step stool like i do.
sometimes it's just not fair to be vertically challenged, but what can i runs in the family.

i let him wear my scarf when we played outside in the snow.
he has 2 little sisters at home, so i'm sure he's used to wearing a feminine palette.
no pictures of us in the snow though, sorry about that.
i kinda forgot to charge the batteries for awhile.
hey, i'm still learning!

talon really liked my daddy.
he followed him wherever he went....especially into the kitchen in hopes of snatching a sugar cookie.
we played like wild animals which tuckered us out, so there were lots of naps.
for such a big guy, he sure could curl himself up like a pretzel.
it was important to get some rest so we would be on our game when the neighbor cat, tator tot would come
strolling down the street.
if only there wasn't this pesky piece of glass....we would take him down!
there's no way tator tot could withstand these choppers.
talon is a very lucky guy.
his parents found him at a doberman rescue place.
i'm pretty sure he had a rough life before he got his forever home.
now, he gets to live like a king....just not in  my bed.
thanks for coming to play talon...i had lots of fun.
oh, and remember to email me when you have "operation tator tot" down to a science.
i'm totally on board.
that's all for this week my peeps.


1 comment:

  1. miley your such a good hostess to talon he does look pretty scary you are so brave!!(: and i wouldn't share my bed either hahaha!!! (give me 4)!!



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