Wednesday, May 19, 2010

my little crop.

just a few days ago my strawberries looked like this.
now, they look like this.
and there's plenty more just waiting to be picked.
i just have to get to them before the dog.
she likes to "pick" them too.
but she doesn't share.
so now the decision is...
margarita's or smoothies?


  1. How is there a decision needed there??? MARGARITAS ALWAYS!!! :)

    I wish we could grow a garden in Maine. I guess I'll have to just stick with my rhubarb (which came back this year despite drowning last year!).

  2. that is a much easier decision than flooring....

  3. strawberry fact your father is getting for one tonight for supper(:

  4. How awesome is that girl? Way to go....I love love love gardening and EVERYTHING that goes along with it. I even love the smell of good, healthy soil. I know that's odd, but it's me.
    I would go with the smoothie.

  5. Dang those look great!

    Mine haven't made it into the garden yet. They're still sitting on my kitchen counter. Ugh!


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